Book Bytes

Share thoughts on the books you're reading, writing, or those that have influenced you profoundly.

Unraveling the Love Paradox: Dating’s Double-Edged Sword

Unraveling the Love Paradox: Dating’s Double-Edged Sword

In the realms of dating and relationships, the age-old saying that our fathers often cited, “Too many cooks spoil the broth,” has never been more relevant. My father once told me, “Dating various girls just prepares you for future divorces.” At first, this sounded odd. Wasn’t the purpose of dating to find a compatible partner?…

Aristotle’s Three Types of Friendship: A Personal Reflection

Aristotle’s Three Types of Friendship: A Personal Reflection

Navigating the intricate maze of human relationships, I often find solace in the wisdom of great thinkers from the past. Aristotle’s categorization of friendships into utility-based, pleasure-based, and character-based has always resonated with me, offering a mirror to my own experiences. 1. Utility-based Friendship: The Transactional BondWhile many of us might have had friends based…

From Shiraz to Toronto: Discovering Magic One Door at a Time

From Shiraz to Toronto: Discovering Magic One Door at a Time

Nestled among the rolling hills of Shiraz, I grew up surrounded by the scent of roses and the echoes of poets like Hafez and Saadi. My childhood was a mosaic of gardens and ancient tales. The allure of a new chapter called out to me, and with a hopeful heart, I embarked on a journey…

The Legacy We Leave

The Legacy We Leave

The rustic neon lights of “The Generational Eatery” beckoned tired souls in from the bustling streets of the city. On its grand entrance, a sign read, “Anything you eat here, we will get paid by your grandson.” John, a weary taxi driver with greying hair and a heart heavy with the weight of the day’s…

“Beyond the Clock: Living Meaningfully in a Transient World”

“Beyond the Clock: Living Meaningfully in a Transient World”

In the vast tapestry of time, our existence is a fleeting moment. Fast forward a century to 2123, and most traces of our lives will have faded away. The homes we carefully selected and lovingly decorated will house strangers. The possessions we coveted, from the most coveted car to the smallest trinket, will likely be…